Saturday, December 15, 2007

Digital Filter Design Application

The Digital Filter Design (DFD) Toolkit is a complete filter design and analysis tool that you can use to design
digital filters to meet required filter specifications. The underlying filter design software is implemented in LabVIEW
(References 2 and 3), a complete graphical software development system. With the toolkit, users can graphically
design IIR and FIR filters, interactively review filter responses, save filter design work, and load design work from
previous sessions. In addition, the DFD Toolkit includes a digital filter DLL that can be accessed from other
Windows applications such as Visual Basic or Microsoft C. Plus, the DFD Toolkit includes functions so that other
applications such as LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI can load the filter coefficient and execute the filter design
within the environment. Lastly, interactive real-world filter testing can be performed within the DFD application
using a standard National Instruments data acquisition device. You can view the time waveforms or the spectra of
both the input signal and the filtered output signal to show how the present filter performs on real-world signals.
This feature delivers the ability to test the filter design before it is implemented in a custom application in
LabVIEW, LabWindows, Visual Basic, or Microsoft C.

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